Sunday, 12 July 2015

Samael Aun Weor and his 'White Tantric Magic'

There are several books about 'White Tantra' by Samael Aun Weor, including 'A Treatise on Sexual Alchemy', however, it's good to be aware that these books can be confusing to someone who is beginning to study Tantra and specially for anyone who is trying to recover from a strong judgemental religious upbringing.

Many people turn to Tantra because of the lack of moralising and the freedom that Tantra allows, while at the same time bringing us in touch with the sacred.
Many Tantric traditions do however have many rules, rituals and disciplines. This is challenging for Western practitioners, and it can be particularly discouraging and disturbing to have the teaching given in a language that is often reminiscent of the Roman Catholic Church's medieval fear-mongering.

If you are drawn to Tantra for its 'open-heartedness' and resonate with the loving words of Rumi or Hafiz for example, you may find it difficult to engage with these books and with the author's judgement of other approaches to Tantra such as 'Grey Tantra', which he refers to dramatically as being sinful and demonic.

Surprisingly perhaps, there are many spiritual schools of Gnostic Anthropological studies that have become widespread around the world and which have their origin in this author's work.
However the teachings that are given to novices do not usually touch on the subject of Tantra.

The author clearly has many great insights into process of spiritual awakening and development, but it could be argued that his organizations have become 'cult'-like, perhaps partly because of the fear-inducing, apocalyptic, and judgemental language used in the teachings.

Having said that, I believe that a familiarity with the terminology of Theosophy, Anthroposophy, Alice Bailey, the work of Helena and Nicholas Roerich and other modern offshoots of Theosophy, or Rosicrucianism and the 'Western Mystery Tradition' and researching about the author first could help in order to be able to approach and integrate this 'Gnostic Tantra', 'Sexual Alchemy' or 'White Sexual Magic' as taught by Samael Aun Weor.

If you have insights to share on this author's work, feel free to share here as a comment.

(article by Peter Littlejohn Cook)
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