BOOKS - suggested reading



Classical Tantra

The Sakta Upanisads
Adyar Library and Research Centre

Gems From the Tantras - series (Kularnava Tantra and others) 
Compiled by M. P. Pandit

Tantra of the Great Liberation (Mahanirvana Tantra)
Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe)
Dover Publication

Classical Kundalini Tantra of Tamil Nadu and Saiva Siddhanta

Tirumantiram, by Tirumular
Babaji's Kriya Yoga Publications

The Yoga of the 18 Siddhas - An Anthology
Edited by T. N. Ganapathy
Published by Babaji's Kriya Yoga Publications.

The Yoga of Siddha Boganathar
Translations and commentary by T. N. Ganapathy
Babaji's Kriya Yoga Publications

"To attain liberation, direct the prana to the cakras
Where the supreme coiled snake [Kundalini-sakti] is the guru
Whose sublime wisdom will remove and snatch away misery;
The great auspicious secretions trickling down
will give peace of mind [samadhi]."

This quotation is based on T. N. Ganapathy's translation of verse 3 from Samadhi Dikshai (The Initiation Into Samadhi) by Siddha Boganathar.


Contemporary teachings about Kundalini and scientific studies

The Hidden Power in Humans - Chakras and Kundalini
by Paramahans Swami Maheshwarandanda
Published by Ibera.

Traditional Indian Tantra, Kundalini Tantra, Siddha Yoga:

Kundalini Tantra
Swami Satyananda Saraswati (Bihar School of Yoga, India)

The Serpent Power: The Secrets of Tantric and Shaktic Yoga
Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe)

The Yoga of Siddha Boganathar
T.N. Ganapathy

Secret Techniques of Tantra Yoga Meditations
Swami Rathinananantha (Bharani Publications, India)

Kundalini - Evolution and Enlightenment
Edited by John White. Published by Paragon House.
Includes articles and excerpts from books and talks by:
Swami Rama
Swami Sivananda Radha
Haridas Chaudhuri
Yogi Amrit Desai
Vasant V. Merchant
Swami Vishnu Tirtha
Swami Ajaya
Christopher Hills
Ken Wilber
M. S. S. Gurucharan Singh Khalsa + Yogi Bhajan
Sadhu Singh Khalsa
Brian Van der Horst
Swami Muktananda
Paul Zweig
D. R. Butler
John Scudder
Gopi Krishna
Erik Floor
Philip Lansky
Marilyn Ferguson
Robert L. Peck
John R. M. Goyeche
Lee Sannella
Itzhak Bentov
Tontyn Hopman
John White
Geoffrey Nicoletti
Gene Kieffer
Kenneth Grant
Mineda J. McCleave
J. M. Pryse
Alice Bailey
M. P. Pandit
Sri Chimnoy
G. S. Arundale
Roy Eugene Davis

There are many books on the chakras, Kundalini and spiritual evolution, written by Hiroshi Motoyama, including:

Theories of the Chakras: Bridge to Higher Consciousness - Insights Into our Subtle Energy
by Hiroshi Motoyama

Science and the Evolution of Consciousness : Chakras, Ki and Psi
by Hiroshi Motoyama, with Rande Brown


For a study of inner 'White Tantra' practised in celibacy:

Kundalini Yoga
by Swami Sivananda
Published by Divine Life Society.


For a study of 'White Tantra' practised in sexual union, with semen retention:

Advanced Spiritual Intimacy - The Yoga of Deep Tantric Sensuality
by Stuart Sovatsky, Ph.D.
Published by Destiny Books.

There are also books on this subject by Samael Aun Weor. There are many spiritual schools of Gnostic Anthropological studies that have become widespread around the world and which have their origin in his work.

It's good to be aware that these books can be confusing and disturbing to someone who is beginning to study Tantra and specially for anyone who is trying to recover from a strong judgemental religious upbringing,

These books are expressed in a language that is sometimes reminiscent of the Roman Catholic Church's medieval fear-mongering.
If you are drawn to Tantra for its 'open-heartedness' and resonate with the loving words of Rumi or Hafiz, you may find it difficult to engage with his books and with his judgement of other approaches to Tantra such as 'Grey Tantra' as being sinful and demonic.

Having familiarity with Theosophy, Anthroposophy, Alice Bailey's work or the work of Helena and Nicholas Roerich, or the 'Western Mystery Tradition' and researching about the author first could help in order to understand this 'Gnostic Tantra', 'Sexual Alchemy' or 'White Sexual Magic' as taught by Samael Aun Weor.

For an interesting overview of Tantra and its deeper dimensions:

Tantra - The Cult of the Feminine
by André Van Lysbeth


For an insightful look at 'Neo-tantra' and sexological bodywork:

Reclaiming Eros - Sacred Whores & Healers
by Suzanne Blackburn and Margaret Wade, foreword by Kenneth Ray Stubbs
Suade Publishing.

For an insightful and very detailed look at the history of Yoga and Tantra:

The Yoga Tradition - Its History, Theory and Practice
by Georg Fueurstein, Ph.D.

Books on other specific themes:

Rasayana, Longevity, Vitality:

'Transform Stress Into Vitality'
by Mantak Chia
Healing Tao Books

Tantra for Intimate Relationships:

Advanced Spiritual Intimacy - The Yoga of Deep Tantric Sensuality
by Stuart Sovatsky, Ph.D.
Published by Destiny Books.

Tantra and Self-Realisation, Advaita:

'THE SONG OF RIBHU' - traditional Advaita


Clarity on Gurus and unorthodox methodologies:

Holy Madness - Spirituality, Crazy-Wise Teachings, and Enlightenment
by Georg Feuerstein
published by Hohm Press

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