Kundalini awakens safely to the extent to which you are able to trust in life.
Preparing for the awakening of Kundalini is preparing to accept the unknown, to accept change, to embrace life 'as if' it was a perfectly loving and wise mother guiding her child to perfect happiness and to self-realisation.
This is the 'inner meaning' or spiritual 'technology' of the sincere worshippers of the Goddess, or of God.
Faith, not in a conceptual framework or in a sacred book, but in the unfolding flow of this moment, is what genuine devotion cultivates.
Faith in the 'Grace of the Guru' is not a substitute for this devotion and faith to life. Life is the Divine Mother, and the Divine Mother is Life.
Faith in the Guru is an expression of this same devotion and faith to Her.
How can we trust that 'divine guidance' could come to us in any physical (in other words, not 'transcendental') form, if we are not able to trust in life as an expression of 'divine', or infinite, intelligence?
When a guru is taken on without this faith in life, our faith will tend to be cult-like. We will tend to believe that he, or she, is the 'only' manifestation of the divine in human form or that he or she (alone) was the divine intelligence that incarnated as Krishna, Rama, Jesus, Buddha, etc.
Although a Satguru (a revealer of the way to one's true self) is traditionally to be seen as the divine incarnate, in a non-dual understanding this does not presuppose any solid hierarchical relationship, it is a fluid process, which is to be completed and transcended through ultimate Liberation (Moksha).
However, paradoxically, even after Realization and after experiencing a total union with the Divine, a teacher will usually honour their guru as 'God' incarnate.
Actually, 'God'/ the Divine is then fully recognised as being omnipresent, but the Satguru becomes the most beloved symbol of that Realization.
So, when faith in life - in life as the Great Mother - is present, then one's guru becomes an expression, not of an unattainable perfection and saintliness, but a perfect guide to the expression of our true potential - to Infinite Being.
The "total surrender to the guru" that is called for in ancient traditional yoga and tantra is not submission to a human being, but to Divine Intelligence.
It is the cultivation of humility and openness to guidance from within.
Practices and instructions may be given by a guru for the sake of one's full blossoming.
These are due to the profound sensitivity and to the compassionate spirit of service that inspires the guru.
A Satguru actually needs nothing from the 'disciples'/'devotees'.
Although it may seem that the devotee 'serves' the guru, it is actually the opposite because the guru exists entirely for their sake. SHe may even have incarnated entirely for their sake.
Of course this description of a guru is of a fully Liberated being.
In practice we may find that most teachers are at best helpful guides who may not be entirely free from self-serving motives, and at worst are self-deluded, believing themselves to be entirely Liberated while being blind to their weaknesses and to their fears, which will tend to make them unconsciously power-hungry and manipulative.
There are no outer signs that can be used to be sure that a guru is genuine.
Siddhas of various degrees of attainment can perform all sorts of miracles which render them god-like in our estimation.
Siddhas of various degrees of attainment can perform all sorts of miracles which render them god-like in our estimation.
The purity of our surrender is the only thing we can take responsibility for.
A true guru is not only a pillar of peace in our lives, but also is relentlessly uncovering our hidden resistances to unconditional love.
In the open-hearted space of this Love, life is a graceful dance.
(article by Peter Littlejohn Cook)
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